
Nightsurf by Iker Elorrieta

I don’t know how I feel about this night surf video by Iker Elorrieta. It’s undoubtedly very beautiful with all the waves, spray etc but at the same time so completely over the top and fake looking. The overly starry nights sky annoyed me and then BOOM, the shot of the moon. It made me laugh in a cringe worthy manner!


Ping Pong Sooyeon Lee Style

A slow-mo video from Nowness by filmmaker and photographer Matthew Donaldson of Korean table tennis champion, actress and formal model Sooyeon Lee. For more follow the link below.

ohhhh I love all the fringing!!

More info and credits here


Lamborghini Aventador

This month brings the release of the Lamborghini Aventador. Below is their epic yet totally ridiculous promo film that shows the Aventador battling against the forces of nature, in a Hollywood 2012 kind of way. The three-minute video was shot in the Californian desert, Coyote Dry Lakebed and directed by Ole Peters.

“the Aventador was named for a Spanish fighting bull from the breeding stables of the sons of Don Celestino Cuadri Vides. Signed number 32 on his hide, Aventador gained fame in 1993 in the town of Zaragoza, Spain after a notably spirited, bloody and violent battle with a torero that earned it the “Trofeo de la Peña La Madroñera” for its courage.” Good old Wikipedia

See the similarities!!! See Cusack didn’t even have a Aventador and he beat the forces of nature. Personally I still prefer the advertising style used for the 2010 the Lamborghini Reventón Roadster.


Sewing Machine Orchestra

Sound and light performance by Canadian artist Martin Messier using 8 vintage Singer sewing machines! Love.


Below is a longer clip and an interview with the artist (in French)

For more go here and here


Walls Are Dancing

This summer, we invited mural painter Matt W. Moore to create a series of live painting performances on walls in MARSEILLE, LYON, and PARIS. Directors Le Groupuscule captured the evolution of each mural, gathering over 700,000 pictures, that were edited as a stop-motion animation to an unreleased track by Monsieur Monsieur : “Walls Are Dancing”, to create this music video.

Check out MWM


Puppy power

I have always been a bit wary of dogs as I had a bad experience with one when I was younger, but in recent years I have started coming round to them thanks to an old colleague and friend’s infectious love and interest in them. After my trip to Vancouver last year where they all seem to be treated like little people in fur coats rather than dogs I became quite interested in this adornment for the animal (see link). In this advert by Pedigree, which I think is rather beautiful, you see slow motion Crufts standard dogs jumping for a treat. Although I’m warming to them, I still don’t like their dog breath of slobbery tongue.

(via Swissmiss)

This is quite funny too…
