Oink Oink


Sorry I haven’t posted in ages!! Last week I got flu and unfortunatly it’s still with me, it’s such a drag and I haven’t left the house since wednesday…help. I thought it would be fun (yes it’s soooo boring) to check the symptoms of swine flu and which I have had all of, oink oink. Didn’t think I would bother with Tamiflu as a friend who had swine flu said that it can have ‘an increased risk of self injury and confusion’ which was a bit off putting, so whether it’s seasonal flu or swine flu I’m just going to have to sit and rest…very dull indeed. I will get back on the blogging as soon as I am inspired by something other than my bedroom walls.

Oink Oink


Those wild folk at Coca- Cola have come up with a new product called Vio… Whats so special about Vio? Well it contains skimmed milk mixed with sparking water, flavoured with fruit and sweetened with sugar, and you want to know the best bit?!! NO CHILLING REQUIRED!!!! AHHHHH, so, so wrong… “like a birthday party for a polar bear”, Was one quote from a copywriter from Coke. Well we will just have to wait and see, but I think it sounds awful.

