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All from ❤ ❤  The VaVaVoom ❤ ❤



Weather Bomb!

Weather Bomb?! Pah, the UK’s media hyped “Weather Bomb” made me want to buy a waterproof jacket and wellies and the grey sky left me depressed rather than excited. What a disappointment. However, after watching this incredible time-lapse I was looking up flights to America to becoming a storm chaser just like Helen Hunt!! Sit back and enjoy 7 minutes of epic Stormscapes beautifully pieced together by Nicolas Wegner… I’m sure Helen would be impressed.


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Follow me :)

 http://instagram.com/ladylixa     Screhttp://instagram.com/ladylixaen Shot 2014-01-25 at 14.11.29 http://instagram.com/ladylixa http://instagram.com/ladylixa http://instagram.com/ladylixa http://instagram.com/ladylixahttp://instagram.com/ladylixa http://instagram.com/ladylixahttp://instagram.com/ladylixa   http://instagram.com/ladylixa  http://instagram.com/ladylixa http://instagram.com/ladylixa

What a tune!! Also, follow me on instagram at ladylixa


Ski Detroit





Poor Boyz Productions takes street skiing to Detroit, Jib City. 

Featuring the skiing of Karl Fostvedt, Khai Krepela, and Max Morello. 

Filmed by Cody Carter, Jonny Durst, and Japser Newton. 

Edited by Cody Carter and Jonny Durst. 


2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi

I just saw the BBC’s advert for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi = trailer for a really cheesy Twilight take of Game of thrones! When looking for images for this post I came across these very peculiar images of Clare Balding, Hazel Irvine and Jonathan Edwards. They most certainly have had a dose of the Twilight vampire effect. I don’t really understand why they felt they had to overly process the stills of the presenters. I’m not totally hating on the ad but for me it doesn’t beat the efforts of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.

BBC winter Olympic 2014 and Twilight, Lixa

images from left to right… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

See the clip below for the BBC’s 2010 Vancouver trailer


Jungle – Platoon feat. B-Girl Terra

Jungle can do no wrong!

She’s 6… Just take a moment to process that…!

Jungle – Platoon feat. B-Girl Terra
Directed: JLW & Oliver Hadlee Pearch
Produced by: Charlie Di Placido




Here’s another beaut by Jungle. Thanks to this video I have my New Years hobby sorted, I just need to grab a pal, a track suit and some quads… If only it were that easy! Enjoy…


Follow Terra here. To top it off she wants to be a mermaid when she grows up!


Mythical Beasts


I received this gorgeous print of Mythical Beasts from my brother and sister in law this Christmas by Vancouver- based artists Sarah Edmonds and Tammy Lawrence from their studio Banquet Atelier & Workshop and thought it was too good not to share.

“Banquet Atelier & Workshop is a Vancouver-based studio engaged in creating quality goods celebrating the natural world and the animals that inhabit it: water birds, northern wildlife, forest creatures and under the sea. Partners Sarah Edmonds and Tammy Lawrence share an eye for bold and playful imagery.

All of our products are printed and produced in Vancouver with a fine attention to quality and design, and share a distinct beauty and uniqueness. We offer screen printed limited edition prints, stationery, wooden mobiles, and art kits for families everywhere.”

Banquet Atelier & Workshop northern_friends_w_polar_bear



I love them all and have my fingers crossed that they might produce a dinosaur print some day… or even better, fabric!!




Degree Show

Alix McIntosh Photography

After 4 years I am now graduating my photography degree!! We will be exhibiting at Out of the Blue Drill Hall in Edinburgh from 12th of June to 25th of June and then on to Free Range at London’s Old Truman Brewery on Brick Lane where we will be showing from the 20th Jun 2013 – 24th Jun 2013. Come along!!




5 months. Gulp.

In 5 months I shall hopefully be graduating from a photography degree, yay! But like so many panic is setting in and I dreading the inevitable, what now? Gulp. My tutor reminded me of this video of Alan Watts last week. The first time I saw it I found it hugely inspiring and that seems to still resonate in me. Although I have a feeling that I have perhaps chosen a career path to self-destructive financial woes, which does fill me with dread,  I ultimately hope to be happy and I am excited about my creative future. A geography teacher I had at school once asked me what I wanted to do when I left school. I replied saying that  I’d like to go to Art College and study photography. With no sarcasm in her tone she replied to my answer with, “ohh, that’s an easy option isn’t it”… That conversation has stuck with me, partly because of her sheer ignorance and partly because I detested the woman. So take a moment to watch this inspiring video and remember if all else fails we could all become geography teachers, I hear that’s an easy job option 😉


Image – Doris Day

Music: Ludovico Einaudi – Divenire

Lixa x




Woodkid – Run Boy Run

I haven’t blogging in months, but this incredible video by the equally incredible director and musician Yoann Lemoine aka Woodkid was just too good not to blog about…

Check out the video to Iron here