
5 months. Gulp.

In 5 months I shall hopefully be graduating from a photography degree, yay! But like so many panic is setting in and I dreading the inevitable, what now? Gulp. My tutor reminded me of this video of Alan Watts last week. The first time I saw it I found it hugely inspiring and that seems to still resonate in me. Although I have a feeling that I have perhaps chosen a career path to self-destructive financial woes, which does fill me with dread,  I ultimately hope to be happy and I am excited about my creative future. A geography teacher I had at school once asked me what I wanted to do when I left school. I replied saying that  I’d like to go to Art College and study photography. With no sarcasm in her tone she replied to my answer with, “ohh, that’s an easy option isn’t it”… That conversation has stuck with me, partly because of her sheer ignorance and partly because I detested the woman. So take a moment to watch this inspiring video and remember if all else fails we could all become geography teachers, I hear that’s an easy job option 😉


Image – Doris Day

Music: Ludovico Einaudi – Divenire

Lixa x